Rent a car from $700 MXN, depending on the city of your interest.

​Beepy App Terms and Conditions of Service.

​Terms & Conditions


When registering on our website and/or using our service you accept and you are legally bond to the established terms and conditions and the ones which are indicated below and regulate access and the use of the website www……., which is owned by —----- and regulates on the other hand, the natural or legal person, hereinafter the registered member, who accesses the page to find out and contract the services offered through the website. 


BEEPY SHARE S.A.P.I. DE C.V., hereafter “BEEPY”, is an app for mobile devices to access and interact among users and/or registered members so that through the computer service platform for shared vehicle(s) online, which application only works as an intermediary for the connection and interaction between the vehicle’s owners and the ones interested on booking and using those vehicles upon registration and members of the application. You accept to accomplish and be legally bound by the dispositions of these Terms and Conditions of Service and Use and thereby convert you into one registered user for the services, so it regulates the access and the use of the services that constitute a legal agreement among you and BEEPY.  It is strictly forbidden to access and use the Web to minors and the registered member declares that he/she is older than 18 years old and has legal and needed capacity to offer and acquire the services offered by BEEPY through the Web, in accordance with the former terms and conditions, that you understand totally. In case of contracting the services by a person under 18 years old, BEEPY will not be responsible, having to assume the minor, his/her parents or legal guardians the expenses and prejudices that he/she may cause.  BEEPY reserves the right, at our sole discretion, of modifying our services or modifying these Terms and Conditions at any time. In case of later modifications, they will be published updating the “last version date” on the superior part of these terms. To continue accessing or using our services after publishing a modification or having provided a modification notice, you must indicate that you accept the modified terms. If the modified terms are not accepted by you, the only resource is to stop using and access to the service to close your account within 30 days, unless you have used it during the 30 days period, in which case the new service conditions will apply to you.


User: Any physical person that browses the application without registering.  Authorized User: Physical person registered to use the services of the app. 

Owner User: Physical or moral persona that offers vehicle(s) to the driver users.

Driver User: Physical person that has the requirements and is authorized to rent a vehicle by the owner user. 

Platform: Technological and computer intermediation mechanism facilitated by BEEPY of advertising that allows to share information between and for the users, owner users and driver users so they can offer, ask and celebrate the agreements on the use and enjoyment of the vehicles. 

Terms: Terms and conditions of Service and Use about the access and intermediation celebrated among BEEPY and users to the intermediation of the digital platform. 

Agreement: Consent of the BEEPY users to the use of the platform as intermediation, with which he submits and is bound by the terms of the same.

Contract: Is the contract by which the owner user and the driver user (the contracting parts) are obligated reciprocally to grant the use and temporal enjoyment of an object and, to the other one, to pay for the use and enjoyment to a certain price.  

Objective of the Contract or Vehicule: The vehicle or vehicles that are offered, delivered, rented, returned and are part ot the contract celebrated between the owner user and the driver user. 

Insurance: Is the insurance of the vehicle according to the conditions and operability of the forced policy that correspond to the owner user and the driver user. 

General conditions

Computer intermediation: Is the computer service that BEEPY provides through the platform, limited to the interactions between the registered members to book and rent vehicles among them with a particular use so in any case and under no circumstances acts as landlord or tenant, but as a mere intermediary.  

Register: To access certain characteristics of the Services you must register to obtain an account on BEEPY, either with you email address and creating a password or through social media, including Facebook and Google, among others.  

Authentication: When you subscribe to a list or book a vehicle, you provide us with some information about you that allows us to verify your identity in order to become an “authorized user”. You commit to provide complete and precise information about you and your vehicle(s), if there were.  

Where permitted, BEEPY has the right, but not the obligation to make projections, controls and processes designed to help verify or verify identity and/or users environment and vehicles, as well as the background of the owner and landlord and the user and tenant and other information that allow BEEPY to establish interaction records inside the platform, but leaving totally clear that the information is not binding or mandatory to BEEPY, then the acceptance or rejection of the service and use corresponds exclusively to the parts that interact for it, so we don’t support any vehicle or user, or in this case, undertakes to carry out any specific selection process. 

Authorization, use of the service, obligations, exclusion, background. BEEPY is reserved and can, to its exclusive judgment, use thirdparty services to verify the information that you provide us and obtain more information related and corrections in case it is necessary and you authorize us to ask, receive, use and store the information, so you empower that BEEPY can accept or reject your application to become an approved driver at its sole discretion, including unsubscribe you due to bad or negative reputation from the users front and for the provided services or used as members of the application. 

You give the authorization in accordance with the laws applicable to the faculty to obtain your personal data and/or commercial information about the car insurance, the report score of your credit and/or making the background check, including the criminal record verification where is allowed by the applicable law. 

Once you get registered and your information is authenticated, you will be called an “authorized user”, with which under your responsibility and will, you assume each and every obligation marked on these terms and conditions, as well as the obligations and responsibilities facing third parties with whom you celebrate, receive and grants the Agreements based on this intermediation app, without it being BEEPY, assume with the third parties that you hire any responsibility for it. 

By accepting the Terms and Conditions, as an authorized user, you are forced to:

To not register, emit, subscribe, offer,, insert or give false, inaccurate, defamatory or slanderous information, content, publications or comments on the use and enjoyment of third parties services inside the platform given to the interaction between the third parties and you as an owner user, an authorized user and other terms used according to this Terms and Conditions.  

To not break or omit any of the local, state, federal or any other law or regulation, as well as any court order, including, without limitation, airport regulations and tax rules, licensing or registration requirements, rights of third parties or ours.

To not distribute, reproduce, execute, show or make any content engineering that belongs to BEEPY, from the services or from another user or third part, including the covered works by copyright, registered brand, patent or another intellectual property right, privacy, advertising, moral or contractual rights, except with the written authorization from BEEPY. 

To not send false information, including: any false information including name, birth date, driver license, credit card, insurance or other personal information. 

To not send claims or answer a claim with false information or tricks. 

To not offer, as an authorized user, any vehicle that you don’t have or have the authorization to offer its service, including, but not limited to a Rental Agreement or Financing Agreement, in which you do not count with the respective authorizations, much less vehicles that are mutilated or of dubious origin or, where appropriate, stolen.To count with any type of current and valid driver license on the National territory or, in its case, abroad.

To count with a current insurance to it or its vehicles as an owner user at the moment of putting the at the disposition of third parties inside the platform. To not use the platform services to convey, distribute, publish or send any information not related to the purposes of the platform and, a lot less, advertising or means offensive to other people, including, without limitations, pictures of other people without their consent.

To collect and gather, by the authorized means or any other way, the information of the users and the approval consent.  To update the information you have provided to BEEPY in case of any changes on your driving record, contact or background information. Specifically, regarding the contact information, BEEPY can emit notices for you to the most recent email address, telephone number or billing address provided by you and the announcements will be considered valid even if they are no longer in use, at least you provide us up to date contact information. To check regularly the conditions of your vehicle. You are forced to, in every moment, have your vehicle in a functional and safe condition, in good mechanical conditions and in full compliance with the specified mobility requirements. To respect the human rights of your employments and every person in general, avoiding discrimination, harassment, abuse or intimidation in any of its forms, related to the age, language or origin, nationality or race, marital status, genre, pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, ideas, opinions or freedom of expression, special physical conditions, politics, sexual, religion, social conditions or economic preferences or, as well, any other circumstance that violates the diversity, freedom or dignity of the people involved. For that, you commit and externalize your consent to always use your account and the conformity services with the terms, applicable laws or any other type of politics and standards provided by you to BEEPY. As owner of the vehicle or host (hereafter “host”), you commit to provide a safe environment and legally registered vehicle, insured and clean (with no recovery/mark), title, in good mechanical conditions and on time for the traveler or guest, that is an approved controller (hereafter “guest”). As a guest, you must confirm that you count with a legal driver license, you will treat the vehicle well and will take every reasonable measure to return the vehicle in time and on the same conditions you received it. In connection with the use or access to the services, you can not and accept that you will not plead, encourage, ask or help to any other to it. You will be the only responsible of every activity produced through your account, so please keep your password and account information safe, so you commit to not reveal your password to any third persona and you are going to assume the responsibility for any activity and actions under your BEEPY account, even if you are not been authorized to these activities or actions. You should immediately notify BEEPY of any unauthorized, real or suspicious use of your member account, so you will not be responsible for the breach of these clauses or any delay on turning off or protecting your account after noticing the unauthorized access to us.  You accept that Beepy has the right, but not the obligation to investigate, pursue and seek to prosecute, litigate, or refer to law enforcement, the violation of this agreement on the top measure allowed by the law. BEEPY can access, preserve and divulge your information if we are allowed or require by the law; if we believe in good faith that is reasonable to answer to claims interposed against BEEPY or to fulfill a legal process allowed (for example citations or orders); to apply or admin the terms, to make risk evaluations, fraud prevention, investigation, customer service, product development and depuration purposes; and/or to protect the rights, property or safety of BEEPY, their employees, users or members of the public.BEEPY reserves the right, at any moment and without previous notice, in accordance with the applicable legislation, to eliminate or disable the access to any content that BEEPY, in its entire discretion, considers objectionable for any reason, in violation of this Agreement or in any other harmful way to the services of our community. If you think you are abusing of BEEPY, our users or employees in any form or violating the letter or the spirit of any part of this agreement, we can, at our sole discretion and without prejudice to other resources, limitation, suspending or ending you user account(s) and the access to our service, elimination the contents hosted on it, refusing a new coverage application, extracting and demoting your ads, reducing or eliminating the discounts and adopting techniques and/or legal resources needed to prevent the use of our services. Besides, we reserve the right to reject or cancel services to any person for any reason at our only discretion on the top measure allowed by the applicable law.     For that, BEEPY will be in contact with you in an efficient way through pre recorded messages or calls or text messages from it(s) telephone number(s). We can place this calls or text mainly to confirm your subscription, providing notices related to your account, investigating or preventing fraud; charge a debt with us; or communicating urgent messages, accepting that without previous notice or warning and under our discretion, you or other person that acts in your name with BEEPY will be contacted to monitor or record telephone conversations or your agents to training and quality control purposes.Jurisdiction: The Parts submit expressly to the jurisdiction of the common law courts in the city of Saltillo, Coahuila de Zaragoza, giving up expressly to the jurisdiction or competence of any other court that, due to your current or future address or any other corresponding cause. To the solution of any controversy that may arise due to interpretation, compliance and/or enforcement of the current Agreement, the Parts agree that the relative provisions of the Civil Code and other laws and provisions applicable in the State of Coahuila will be applicable to them.Mediation agreements: You and BEEPY agree that, prior to any controversy or claims that may come up or can emerge between you and BEEPY (including its respective subsidiaries, employees, official, directors and agents) related in any way with or derived from this or previous versions of the Service Terms, the use or access to the service or any of the offered, sold or bought services through BEEPY (such as the inclusion of sharing a vehicle) or any breach, the execution or the ending of the celebrated agreements will be solved exclusively through the mediation and this will be binding and will take place on the city of Saltillo, Coahuila de Zaragoza. Mediation Agreements from the users with their counterparts. In addition to the above, the users of the platform, owners and users that use other users’ services, before starting any legal process, should go, without responsibility to BEEPY, using alternative mechanisms, for the purpose of solving conflicts among users and third parties, owner users and driver users with the ones that were celebrated, forced or, in its case, that count with some right on their favor, which agreements came to be celebrated on those alternative ways, will be binding for the parties to be callable on law terms, even on the judged thing category.  The ending. You can suspend the use of the services at any time and BEEPY can terminate your access to the services and to erase the lists for any or no reason until the maximum allowed by the applicable law. The end of the access to the services and BEEPY can keep and continue using any information, including but not limited to pictures, previously provided by you. The end of the current Agreement will not have any effect on the disclaimers, resignation or responsibility limitations or legal disputes, the dispositions on virtue of this Agreement and/or the fees due and the terms will survive to any ending of this agreement. Disclaimer. BEEPY provides services that allow sharing of vehicles between users, owner users and driver users. Unless otherwise available on this terms, the user is conscious and accept that BEEPY DO NOT OFFERS CAR RENTAL SERVICES AND/OR INSURANCE SERVICES AND IT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OF THE ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF ANY USER OF ITS SERVICES, THE VEHICLE MAKER OR ANY THIRD PARTY SERVICES PROVIDER. BEEPY does not guarantee that the services, including, but not limited to it, the list and/or any other vehicle will satisfy your necessities or that they will be available uninterrupted, safe or free of errors. BEEPE does not make any guarantee according to the quality of the advertising, vehicles, users or the services or any content or the accuracy, punctuality, veracity, integrity or reliability of any content obtained through the services or the offered vehicles.  TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, YOU RESIGN TO ANY AND EVERY RIGHT YOU HAVE TO SUE OR making claims against BEEPY and its respective subsidiaries, directors, officers, agents or employees. You have the obligation and the right, without the need of BEEPY to emit a document to the user with the Agreement for THE DAMAGES OR LOSSES THAT MAY ARISE IN A VEHICLE, ANY BREACH OF THE GUARANTEE OR ANY OTHER OBLIGATION ASSUMED ON THE CREATION, PRODUCTION OR DELIVERY OF SERVICES, WHEN BEING RESPONSIBLE OF THE DIRECT DAMAGE, TANKING IN ACCOUNT THE AGREEMENTS AND INSURANCES CONTRACTED. Insurance: For that, the user is aware that BEEPY is not an insurance company nor an insurance broker. BEEPY has not obtained the  responsibility of group and insurance policies, given that BEEPY only works as an intermediary under the terms and conditions that the insurance company fixes so you agree to read carefully the offered policy. The insurance terms and conditions are based exclusively to the strictly stipulated on this agreement and the respective policy.


TO NON-REGISTERED BEEPY USERThe users can browse and access the BEEPY platform without finishing their registration, so they can know the offered vehicles by authorized and registered users.The non-register user only can review the information without having authorization to make comments or suggestions until he/she is fully registered.To provide or use the services as owner user or driver user you must complete your full registration, filling the corresponding blank spaces.  

TO AUTHORIZED BEEPY USERAny physical or legal person, resident on Mexican territory, that will have access to certain characteristics on the Services must register to obtain an account on BEEPY, either by providing your email address and creating a password or through third parties accounts on social media, including Facebook and Google, among others. The information you provide, enter or give, must be true from your profile, according to the current terms, under protest of telling the truth at every moment you use the services of the platform.  When you subscribe and provide us certain information about you, you allow us to verify your identity with the purpose of becoming an “authorized user” and to comply with the mentioned requirements on the terms and conditions of the current document, for that purpose verification codes will be sent, as well as its authentication and un a time no longer than 24 hours, you can turn into a BEEPY owner user, through the creation of a personal profile and the registration of the vehicles through the registration process and the one related to the vehicle or, in its case, becoming a driver user. You agree to provide complete and precise information about you and your vehicle(s).You agree to provide complete and precise information about the authorizations to drive the offered vehicles by the owner users. When complying with any of the local, statal, federal or any other regulation or law, or any court order, including, without limitations, airport regulations, licenses or register requirements, third rights or ours. 

TO REGISTER VEHICLES ON BEEPY AS OWNER USER:Any physical or moral person resident on Mexican territory, owner of a vehicle and that complies with the mentioned requirements and terms and conditions of the current Agreement may turn into a BEEPY user, through the creation of a profile to upload and register it(s) vehicle(s) through the uploading vehicles process, in order to obtain the authorization to offer the driver users vehicles of its property on the digital intermediation platform provided by BEEPY according to the current terms.  The registered and authorized user on BEEPY must be in their full faculties of dominance and disposition over the vehicle(s) that offer and the authorizations and faculties to convey use and temporal enjoyment of it, as well as the necessary faculties to the objective of the contract and the following obligations: To count with all the necessary documents that accredited the user’s vehicle as a BEEPY owner, so the vehicle is of its property or the user counts with the corresponding authorizations to dispose of the use and temporal and long time enjoyment of it(s) vehicle(s).To fulfill the requirements at the time of its registration on the platform and at the moment of using the services to be a registered and authorized user, whether it is throughout all the time the vehicle is registered on BEEPY, during all the time the vehicle rental extends or until the vehicle returns. To carry out a vehicle inspection and an appropriate and approved maintenance according to the technical requirements of each vehicle, for which you must guarantee the good mechanical, indoor and outdoor condition to be fit for use. The owner user must point out specifically the conditions of it(s) vehicle(s) at the moment of completing the register on BEEPY platform, to be able to offer vehicles to owner users and to ensure the vehicle fulfills every requirement and maintenance for the rental time offered. For that purpose, the information of your vehicle(s) must be up to date and you must notice BEEPY immediately in case your vehicle(s) do not comply anymore with the indicated requirements, including the legends that you deem necessary for the driver users to count with more information at the time of accepting the agreement with the owner user and those which do not fulfill the stated requirements must withdraw the offer of the respective vehicle. Therefore, as the owner must stop offering and in its case, stop accepting any reservation, he/she must cancel any accepted and not started reservation if the vehicles do not convey the requirements. Assuming the cost associated with it, provided by the compensation policy, except in case of force majeure, such as unforeseen breakdowns and not derived from the lack of maintenance of the vehicle.    If the vehicle has been registered subsequently and does not convey the requirements and the BEEPY owner user does not notice BEEPY, this on authorize expressly to BEEPY, if the app detects it, it can suspend it or, in its case, eliminate de BEEPY owner account, without this faculty being an obligation to BEEPY, so it will not incur any liability of any type of reservation that can not be accomplished or the ones made with vehicles that do not fulfill the established requirements and the owner had not informed properly to the driver user. Whereby, BEEPY reserves the right to deny or cancel the registration of those vehicles it considers do not fulfill the established requirements.To deliver the driver user the vehicle under the conditions offered on your profile and account, in optimal and clean conditions to the date, time and place of use agreed in the contract among the owner user and the driver user, as well as picking up the vehicle once the contract finalizes.For this, BEEPY facilitates the intermediation platform, the register and access to the information for delivery and reception on the object of the contract, on the agreed and accepted conditions both by the owner user and the driver user.      To count with the administrative authorizations to the use and vehicle circulation as long as it is registered and offered on the platform until the return of itself by the registered user that is enjoying of its use under this Agreement, as well as being up to date with tax payments and vehicular rights that allow it movement on the national territory and, in its case, abroad according to the authorizations of the owner user, conveying with the rules or regulations of the Federal Regulations of Traffic and Roads, the Regulations of the Traffic on Mexico City or it counterpart in the Federative Entity.  To release the vehicle and the documentation as it is, the vehicular circulation card, the eco review sticker and any other necessary documents to enable the movement of the vehicle on the national territory in every moment, among other of those necessary to the objective. Equally, the owner user will make sure that inside the vehicle there is a repair kit (spare tire, hydraulic jack, socket and safety triangle crosshead) and others that are deemed necessary to attend accidents. The BEEPY owner user declares that the registered and supplied information on his/her account, as an owner user, is under his/her responsibility and therefore, he/she is responsible for the accuracy of the information facilitated such as the personal information (Name, nickname, picture, personal contact data), the descriptive information and comments about the vehicle (brand, model, power (CV), type of gas, number of occupants, number of doors, transmission, vehicle’s extras, comments of the owner, availability of the vehicle to be rented) as well as the simplified information about the vehicle(s) (picture of the vehicle, brand, model, price per day, price per hour and price per month, vehicle rate, location on the mao, vehicle state, etc.) which data may remain registered on the terms and conditions of the current agreement.  The BEEPY owner user must answer in front of third parties and in front of BEEPY about the accuracy of the provided information, reserving BEEPY the right to exclude from the offered services all the information provided in case it is false, with no prejudice to other legal actions. BEEPY does not take the responsibility of the accuracy of the provided data by the registered member.

TO BEEPY DRIVER USERSAny physical person that convey with the established requirements and the terms and conditions on this Agreement might become a BEEPY driver, registering on the platform through the registration process for drivers and with it forcing themselves to the current terms, turning into a “driver user”. Those authorized users that are willing to be BEEPY driver users must fulfill the following requirements on the registration date and during the whole process they act as BEEPY authorized users: To be a natural Mexican person (with citizenship card) or a Mexican resident (with Foreigner ID) or a non resident foreigner (must facilitate valid and current passport copy and driver license during the established registration).To count with a Mexican or international driver license valid and current in Mexico, in force and with no flaws or limitations by the competent authorities. To convey with every requirements (documentation, age, physical and psychological capacities and skills, etc.) comprehend among the Federal Traffic and Highway Regulations, the Traffic Regulations of Mexico City or its counterpart in the Federal Entity of the BEEPY driver user, that qualify as suitable to a person to drive a vehicle inside the Mexican territory. To dispose of a credit or debit card to make the online payments through the platform.Not having been sentenced due to driving under narcotics or alcoholic beverages influence during the last year or, in its case, not having been arrested due to dangerous or improper driving. The BEEPY driver user, when completing the registration, guarantees to BEEPY and to every BEEPY registered owner that accept booking and rental, that they are drivers that fulfill the established requirements on these terms during each and each rental period. The BEEPY driver users must keep their personal information up to date and notice BEEPY immediately if they detect that they are not fulfilling the indicated requirements. Nevertheless, the booking procedure requires that BEEPY driver users confirm they convey every relevant requirement every time they make a booking application.  To turn the vehicle back to the owner under the conditions it was released by the owner user on the date, time and location agreed on the contract celebrated among the owner user and the driver user. For this purpose, BEEPY facilitates the intermediation on its platform, the registration and access to the information for the release and return of the objective of the contract, on the agreed conditions and accepted by both parties, the owner user and the driver user. To deliver every and each documentation and tool that works on the vehicle, such as vehicular circulation card, eco review sticker, repair kit (spare tire, hydraulic jack, socket and safety triangle crosshead) and others that were delivered. Once registered as an authorized user, every time you wish to rent a vehicle from an owner user you are committed to update the information to fulfill with the requirements, in case you do not convey with some of them, you must immediately unsubscribe as a BEEPY driver user, until you fulfill the totally of the requirements. Without being a BEEPY obligation, in case you identify a breach from a driver user on this requirement, you will be suspended from your authorizations. The driver user must avoid and cancel any reservation made and non-started in case he/she does not fulfill the requirements and, in its case, he/she must assume the associated costs planned on the compensation policy on these terms. The BEEPY driver user declares to be a plane connoisseur of the provided information. In this sense, the driver is responsible for the accuracy of the provided information according to the personal information (Name, nickname, picture, citizenship card/foreign card/passport, driver license number, personal contact information, proof of address) as well as the objective information and comments about the vehicle(s). The driver user must answer about the accuracy of the facilitated data, reserving BEEPY the right to exclude from the registered services to every user that had given false information, without prejudice to other legal actions. BEEPY does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided by the user. BEEPY reserves to itself the right to deny or cancel the register from those drivers that it considers do not fulfill the established requirements or, in its case, do not have good records.

ABOUT THE REGISTRATION OF VEHICLES FROM OWNER USERS PROCESSThe owner user, whether is a physical or moral person, duly registered on Mexican territory and owner of a vehicle could register it on BEEPY platform. Only can register those vehicles in which the ownership of the owner is accredited and also fulfill the terms and conditions of the current agreement, this through the registration that for that purpose BEEPY indicates on the respective platform on the registration process as an owner user and the vehicle adding the required documentation under protest of saying the truth. Once registered, BEEPY has 24 hours to authentify and authorize the upload of the vehicle to the platform and therefore, to make it visible for the services users provided by BEEPY. For this purpose, BEEPY reserves the right to verify directly or through other means the information of the vehicle provided by the owner to be correct and correspond to the physical and registered data. For the owner vehicle to be authorized must fulfill the following requirements by the registration date and above all during the period the vehicle is registered as well as during the rental time until the return of the vehicle. To be owned by the registered member on BEEPY, who must be on its full faculties of domain and disposition the vehicle. To fulfill any procedure or administrative authorization for the use of the vehicle, as well as the payment of the vehicular right according to the Mexican established laws, which documentation must be in every moment besides the repair kit inside the vehicle and at the disposition of the driver user that accepted your rental offer. To fulfill the good mechanical, indoor and outdoor state of the vehicle to be suitable for its use, which information must coincide in every moment with the one indicated on BEEPY platform, forcing the owner user to have the vehicle offered in optimal state. The owner user must keep up to date his/her profile data and their vehicle’s and to notify BEEPY immediately if he/she realizes he/she no longer fulfills the requirements that for that purpose BEEPY establishes, withdrawing immediately from their offer these or those that do not convey with the established conditions. Therefore, as soon as the owner identifies the breach on this requirements of the vehicle must stop accepting any reservation, as well as to cancel any accepted or non-started reservation, assuming the cost associated to it and provided on the compensation policy, except in case of force majeure, as unforeseen breakdowns, non-derived from the lack of maintenance of the vehicle. BEEPY reserves the right to delete any vehicle that does not fulfill the indicated requirements. Nevertheless, BEEPY has no obligation to do it, and will incur any liability for any type of reservation that may not be fulfilled or the ones made with vehicles that do not convey the offered conditions and the owner user have not been informed properly.  BEEPY reserves the right to deny or cancel the registration of those vehicles that do not fulfill the established requirements. For this purpose, the owner user declares UNDER PROTEST OF SAYING THE TRUTH that is fully connoisseur of the supplied information. In this sense, the owner is responsible of the accuracy of the facilitated information as well as the personal information (Name, nickname, picture, personal contact information) to the objective information and comments about the vehicle(s) (brand, model, power (CV), type of gas, number of occupants, number of doors, transmission, vehicle’s extras, comments of the owner, availability of the vehicle to be rented) as well as the simplified information about the vehicle(s) (picture of the vehicle, brand, model, price per day, price per hour, price per month, vehicle rate, location on the map, vehicle state, etc.). As a consequence, the owner user will respond, in any case, about the accuracy of the facilitated data, reserving BEEPY the right to exclude from the offered services to every information registered that they have facilitated through false data, with no damage to the other legal actions.

ABOUT THE RESERVATION PROCESS THE VEHICLES DELIVERBEEPY, as a digital intermediary, provides a reservation procedure which allows the BEEPY owner users to make individual or simultaneous applications to book one or multiple vehicles, in this later case as long as the rental period is different dealing with two or more reservations. Inside the reservation will be established the period and deadlines for the rental by the driver user and the owner user. Besides, to establish and agree on the time, date and location where the reserved vehicle will be delivered and returned. With the reservation the Owner User must book the offered vehicle respecting the conditions, price and other published characteristics inside the digital platform of BEEPY, the same that in every moment must be respected from the reservation, ending of the reservation, the delivery and the return of the vehicle booked for the rental. When the BEEPY first owner user accepts the reservation application of a driver user, this will be binding for both the owner user and the driver user, holding on the obligations according to the current Agreement and the clauses on the contract and the promise made with the reservation reasons. With the reservations it is guaranteed that both the driver user and the owner user fulfill the contracted obligations inside the contract to celebrate. Every reservation implies the charge from BEEPY of a guarantee deposit. This deposit as guarantee will be done when confirming the reservation through the method payment (indicated later) and will serve to cover every eventuality emerged during the rental time (payment of deductible, penalties, etc.). The guarantee deposit will be made according to the terms and conditions celebrated on the corresponding section after finishing the rental or the rental extension, in case there was. Only, if when returning the car is notified of any anomaly circumstance, the guarantee deposit will be detained until its resolution.

ABOUT THE RESERVATION CANCELLATION The driver users and the owner users can cancel the reservations in accordance with the current Agreement, being forced to the planned clauses on the compensation policy. Cancellation by the driver user: The BEEPY driver user can cancel, with no penalization, every reservation application before the acceptance from the BEEPY owner user through the reservation process. Once the reservation ends, the BEEPY driver user can cancel the reservation with no penalization, as long as it is done 24 hours before the starting period of the vehicle rental reservation. If the cancellation from the driver user is made in less than 24 hours, a direct charge and with no previous authorization will be done by the quantity that corresponds to two days of booked vehicle rental, taking it from the fixed price on the reservation. If the BEEPY driver user does not show up to the delivery of the vehicle booked on the day, time and location arranged during the reservation process, a direct charge and with no previous authorization will be done for the amount of two direct days of the booked vehicle, through the registered payment method to the effect.  Cancellation by the owner user: The BEEPY owner user can call, with no penalization, any reservation application before 24 hours of having accepted the reservation. If the cancellation by the owner user is made in less than 24 hours, a direct charge and with no authorization will be done by the amount corresponding to two days of the booked vehicle rental, through the payment method registered to this effect. If the BEEPY owner user does not show up to the vehicle delivery on the day, time and location arranged during the rental process, a direct charge and with no authorization will be done by the amount of two days of rent of the booked vehicle rental, through the payment method registered for this effect. 

ABOUT THE RESERVATION DEPOSIT AND THE VEHICLE RENTALFor the effects of the deposit, the driver user authorizes BEEPY to make a credit block on his/her registered payment method, equivalent to the 5% of the value of the rented vehicle and it will be released according to the terms and conditions of the current contract.

DELIVERY OF THE VEHICLE FROM THE OWNER USERThe owner user commits to deliver the vehicle to the user on the date, time and location established on the reservation. The delivery and acceptance of the vehicle will be done exclusively under the BEEPY process contemplated by the digital platform, establishing the information, conditions and terms offered with what was delivered. The owner user and the driver user must show their driver license and their identity document (IFE/Resident card/Passport) valid and suitable for identification. For this, both are responsible for validating the authenticity of the person they are treating with and corresponding to the reservation and other provided information. The owner user must deliver the vehicle totally clean, indoor and outdoor of it. Both driver user and owner user must inspect jointly the vehicle (indoor and outdoor) and to register every possible expected anomalies previous to the rental and reflect them on both copies of the VEHICLE CHECKLIST, for which BEEPY will provide the digital platform to speed and document the process. The owner user must be sure that none of his/her belongings remain on the vehicle before starting the rental from the driver. Those belongings that remain on the vehicle do so at the  BEEPY user’s own risk. BEEPY do not take any responsibility according to any loss or damage over the mentioned belongings.  Once the delivery is done and accepted on the vehicle’s reception, the parties remain totally bound and up to the conditions and terms that this agreement gives to the contract here celebrated, as well as the current agreement. The driver user must deny the delivery and therefore not drive any vehicle if he/she has reasons to consider that vehicle does not convey with the agreed requirements on the reservation. Once the delivery is accepted, the vehicle has been received and will be the responsibility of the driver to have inspected, checked and accepted the vehicle on the conditions it is for real the owner user vehicle. Any decision of a driver user to drive a damaged vehicle, except for the conditions due merely to an aesthetic damage, will be on count and risk of the driver user, because BEEPY assumes that when accepting the delivery and receiving the vehicle from the owner user, previously his/her strict responsibility, wellness and consensus to have done the vehicle inspection. The owner user must refuse to release the vehicle and therefore, to allow that a driver user drive the vehicle if: The driver user is not suitable to drive attending to what is stipulated in this agreement. Is not the person identified on the reservation terms.  The driver user is not on his/her optimal conditions to drive, due to the alcohol ingestion or the effects of the drugs, etc. When it is clear the intention to use the car in a different way to the reservation and the terms and conditions of the current agreement or the contract to celebrate. Under the mentioned assumptions, the BEEPY owner user will not incur any sanction for cancellation. BEEPY will not be at any moment responsible for the lack of verification and inspection whether it is from the owner user or the driver user, because the acceptance in the delivery and reception of the vehicle will only correspond, exclusively, to the interveners parties, whom in every moment were in condition to decline with a good cause the delivery or reception of it. In case the owner and the driver do not accept and with it, is stipulates as sign the Agreement or not make the car inspection at the beginning or ending of the rental, BEEPY is not responsible to give support to the affected part, even if even if no such process is performed, the intermediation platform will not allow to specify the delivery or return of the vehicle and, therefore to celebrate the rental contract under the reservation terms.

ABOUT THE PERIOD, TIMES AND DEADLINES OF THE VEHICLE RENTALThe rental periods must have a determined deadline and term. The minimum rental period must be of an hour and the maximum is freely to be determined among owner user and driver user on the contract and reservation made, according to the disponibility of the vehicle and the owner user obligations for the acceptance of the dispositions and rules established on this agreement. The invested time on the inspection of the vehicle and therefore the delivery, reception and return is included in the rental time. The initial rental time can be extended by the driver user as long as it is communicated and accepted by the owner user, taking in account that this extension does not butt with another firm reservation. In the case the extension is accepted, the driver user assumes automatically the additional cost corresponding to the extension on the contract previously celebrated. The owner users have absolute freedom to accept or decline any extension application from the driver user. In the case the owner user does not accept the extension application, the driver user must deliver and return the car on the conditions and terms were agreed. If the driver refuses to the established delivery, previous refusal of the extension, he/she must cover as penalty, besides the hours or days that correspond to the rental according to the celebrated contract, the quantity of two rental days according to the price fixed on the reservation. Any variation on the initial period must be reflected and written on the rental Agreement and signed by both parties, in order to proceed with the extra time charge or, in its case, the respective penalty, by BEEPY.If the driver is late on the vehicle’s return without agreement or communication to the owner, automatically will be charged with the corresponding amount to the period of the extension of the rental plus the amount corresponding to the sanctions resulting from the compensation policy.If a BEEPY driver does not return the vehicle once the rental period has expired, he/she will be responsible for the trust abuse and therefore, will be subject to the criminal liability that corresponds.The returns agreed to be before the ending of the rental period indicated on the reservation, will not imply the devolution of the amount corresponding to this period nor any type of compensation.Thus, BEEPY exhorts the users to use the intermediation platform to reflect every and each one of the agreements, modifications made and therefore, the rights and obligations of the intervening parties on the contract. Therefore, BEEPY is not responsible for any commitment, modification or extension or in its case, the payment of the payment of the delays or sanctions that are not properly reflected and written on the digital platform that for that effect is on the disposition as intermediation, under the conditions and terms of the current Agreement and the rental contract.

VEHICLE CONDITIONS OF USEOnce the vehicle is received from the driver user, this one takes possession of the vehicle and therefore, he/she will be responsible for the use of the agreed terms until the return to the owner user, according to the disposal on the current Agreement, regardless of whether is solved during, at the end or after the expiration of the corresponding rental period. The vehicle must be driven only by the driver user designated on the reservation. In case the driver is not the same as the one that makes the reservation or there is more than one driver it is obligatory to notify BEEPY the information of the additional driver(s). For the use and enjoyment of the vehicle, the following conditions will be respected, in addition to those provided for in the corresponding laws, regulations and police commands and good governance:Should not use the vehicle to be borrowed with or without economic consideration. Should not use the vehicle for any illegal purpose. Should not use the vehicle to participate in races, duels, reliability and speed tests or teaching to drive. Should not use the vehicle under alcohol or drugs influence. Should not take a number of passengers over the capacity of the vehicle seats. Should not take luggage that overloads the vehicle. Should not take any dangerous, toxic or flammable material over the vehicle or any of its parts.Should not smoke or allow anyone smoke without the specific permission of the owner. Should not allow animals on the vehicle without the specific permission of the owner.Should not use or allow others to use the vehicle to start any other vehicle. Should not use or allow others to use the vehicle to tow any other vehicle or another transportable element. Should always drive the vehicle according to the traffic regulations and road safety.Must be sure the vehicle is locked when you are not using it. Must be sure of using the correct fuel when filling the vehicle’s tank (and in case of fuel contamination).  The driver user must be responsible for all the expenses related to the recovery, the decontamination, repair or replacement of any part, as a result of not putting the right fuel on the vehicle).  The driver user is responsible for the vehicle and any other thing that happens during its possession, as well as the expenses, tickets, sanctions or any other responsibility incurred for its use or maintenance.  Must immediately report for the loss, theft or robbery, vandalism of the vehicle for both to the relevant authorities and to BEEPY and the owner user. Must immediately communicate to the BEEPY owner of any ticket, sanction or responsibility incurred during the rental period. BEEPY reserves the right of exclusion of the platform to those drivers that default the terms and conditions indicated on this agreement. If a driver user incurs in additional bills for the routine maintenance of the vehicle that must be essential during the rental period (such as oil or antifreeze fluid), the driver user and the owner user must agree between themselves to make front of this bill, this must be reflected on the platform that for this purpose is provided to users. BEEPY will not have any obligation to reimburse the mentioned bills.

ABOUT THE VEHICLE RETURN FORM THE DRIVER USERThe return of the vehicle must be on the date, place and time under the stipulated conditions of the reservation. The driver user should not return the vehicle to the owner user before the expiration of the period of rental time, unless the contract is agreed. Nevertheless, if the vehicle is returned in advance, the final initial price of the period of rental time should be paid. The anticipated return of the vehicle does not exempt the driver and the owner of the car inspection and the right completion of the rental Agreement. Both the driver and the owner, BEEPY must face punctuality, at the moment and place agreed, according to the requirements established on the reservation through the BEEPY platform. For the return BEEPY makes available inside the platform the RETURN process, same as both parties accept and therefore have read and given as accepted the terms and conditions, for this it will be carry out the VEHICLE CHECKLIST.  Both must inspect the vehicle jointly (indoor and outdoor) and to register every possible anomalies reflected at the moment of the return during the VEHICLE CHECKLIST, that for it BEEPY provides the digital platform to speed and document the process. The vehicle, as the keys and accessories (manuals, block tools, ipod connectors, etc.) must be returned to the BEEPY owner user in the same conditions they were delivered at the starting of the rental period. The driver user must be sure that he/she does not leave any of his/her belongings on the vehicle before ending the rental period. Those belongings that remain on the vehicle are done on behalf and risk of the driver. BEEPY does not assume any responsibility regarding any loss or damage of the mentioned belongings.    The acceptance of return of the vehicle from the owner user, will be understood that the vehicle delivered must be on its entire satisfaction and previously inspected. Therefore, the owner user should and must be sure that the vehicle is going to return fulfill the established requirements and the terms and conditions agreed, this is described at the moment that was delivered to the driver user and under the register done inside the BEEPY platform. The driver user and the owner user must show their driver licenses and the identification document (IFE/Resident card/Passport) valid and suitable for the identification, for it both must be responsible for the verification of the authenticity of the persona they are dealing with and that correspond to the reservation and other provided data. In case the owner and the driver does not sign the Agreement or does not make the inspection of the car at the starting and the end of the rental period, BEEPY is not responsible for giving support to the affected part, even if there is the process is not carried out on the intermediation platform, will not allow to specify the deliver or return of the vehicle and therefore, running the rental contract under the reservation terms. BEEPY is not responsible for the incidents that have not been properly reflected on the rental Agreement from both parties and signed by them. The damages caused to the vehicle due to an accident declaration during the rental period by the BEEPY driver will be covered by guarantee deposit left by the driver and the insurance policy hired, subject to the terms and conditions of the insurance. The registered members and the BEEPY users must provide accurate reports and to cooperate with the insurance policy supplier in any intended way of the same and to provide the requested information from BEEPY to the insurance companies.When the damages occurred stay left from an accident declaration (failure due to misuse or negligence), the damages must be covered with the guarantee deposit, as long as the driver has been determined as the responsible party. The BEEPY owner is responsible for the vehicle maintenance, any failure that is not derived from misuse, negligence or sinister during the rental period, will be the responsibility of the BEEPY owner.

ABOUT THE BEEPY RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONSBEEPY acts exclusively as an intermediary under the conditions and terms established on the current agreement, for which the digital technology service is provided to the user to interact among them. BEEPY has the right to enforce the terms and conditions of the current Agreement to the BEEPY registered members in front of any breach of them. BEEPY does everything possible to keep and operate the digital app, but does not assume any responsibility according to any part of the digital application that is not available or operating during a determined period of time. Likewise, BEEPY does every possible thing to keep its contact telephone number operative but does not assume any responsibility if the line is out of service during a determined period of time.BEEPY is not responsible directly of: The vehicle state. The accuracy of the provided data by the registered members.  Any information or content provided by the registered BEEPY members on their profiles or any other section of the digital platform or the hiring of any vehicle. Death or personal injuries. Property damages, damages or loss of any part of the vehicle. Any damage or loss of any belonging left on any vehicle. The fuel costs. Additional costs. Sanctions or tickets costs. Theft or breakdown of any vehicle.Any reservation cancellation, the withdrawal of any service vehicle or its contents if it is done in accordance with the current Agreement.BEEPY is not responsible for any result by the registered members actions in accordance with the current Agreement, whether it is from negligence or breach of the Agreement.   Losses or damages suffered by any member in connection with the reclamations done by third parties. Loss of profits, savings or business opportunities suffered by the users. Any indirect loss or damage suffered by any user. According to the previous clause, BEEPY’s responsibility with the user under established modalities on the current agreement are hold to the relation on the current Agreement whether it is from negligence, breach of the Agreement or misrepresentation, limited to the quantity of the rental price of each reservation done by those members, as well as any sanction planned on the compensation policy. BEEPY will only be responsible for paying the rental price to the BEEPY owner users and the corresponding compensations to the extent that BEEPY had received those amounts from the corresponding infringing user.Any disposition of the current Agreement will be applicable to exclude or limit the BEEPY responsibility derived from the guilty or negligence from the own BEEPY platform as a mere intermediary.

ABOUT THE PRICES AND THE RENTAL PAYMENTS The BEEPY owner user must define and show on its profile the offer prices to the rental of the corresponding vehicle. It must indicate a price per day. The BEEPY owner are free to change its rates with discretion, without it to change any agreed rate for the rental of an anticipated reservation. 

ABOUT THE PAYMENT AND CHARGE OF THE OBTAINED RENTALS IN CONCEPT OF RENTThe owner must provide a CLABE banking number from the savings or current account, valid and current to BEEPY, in order to receive the rentals derived by the vehicle rental under this Agreement, previous deductions that correspond to the terms and conditions of the current agreement. Both the owner user and the driver user is and will be the only responsible of all the activity produced through the BEEPY account so please keep your password and affiliated information secured. You commit to not reveal your password to any third party in case it occurs. You as an affiliate will assume the responsibility to any activity or action under your account, even if you do not necessarily authorize those activities or actions. Both the owner user and the driver user must immediately notice BEEPY in any unauthorized use, real or suspicious on your affiliate account, so we will be not responsible for the breach of this clause or due to any delay on turning off or protecting your account after having notified the unauthorized access to us. Both the owner user and the driver user accept and authorize the payment or charging method established on the app and/or the website and therefore, the registered data on their credit or bank account are strictly their responsibility; so the granted authorization on the Web platform it taken as an state acceptance from the services and therefore, on this act gives authorization to make recurring charges according to the engagement plan that for this purpose are indicated on the same web platform, property of BEEPY.As long as the owner user and the driver user add a Payment Method or Charging Method, he/she will be prompted with certain information as the name, discretion or data about the financial mean used for the membership payment, in order to third parties authorized by BEEPY process the recurring charges and payments that correspond to the agreement to the selected plan. Therefore, you must provide exact, up to date and complete information when you add a Payment Method or Charging Method and is your obligation to keep up to date in every moment your Payment Method and Charging Method inside the web platform and/or the app and, in its case, to notify BEEPY of any change or modification that I had to do. Keep in mind that the Payment Method and the Charging Method will be involved on the third parties suppliers payment services, previously authorized by BEEPY. Both the owner user and the driver user authorize BEEPY to keep their information about the Payment Method and make charges through their Payment Methods just as it is described on this Payment Terms attending to the indicated and hired Plan. Both the owner user and the driver user are the only responsible parties of the accuracy and perfection of the Payment Method and Charging Method information provided in our web page and/or the app. BEEPY is not responsible for any loss you suffer as the result of the incorrect information about the Payment Method or Charging Method you have provided.Consequently, by accepting both the owner user and the driver user the Terms and Conditions undertake to comply and be legally forced to the dispositions that govern the statements, clauses and contract exclusions, assuming as an affiliate user to the BEEPY services. The acceptance will be taken as it was signed and written on the current contract, which constitutes a legal binding agreement between you and BEEPY.

ABOUT THE COMPULSORY INSURANCE OF THE OBJECT VEHICLE ON THE RENTAL CONTRACTBoth the owner users and the driver users will have the obligation to force hire an insurance policy for the vehicle that corresponds to the reservation, same as it will be a diary and with time validity that corresponds to the rental of it. In such a way, any reservation will be authorized and therefore, any rental if it is not covered and hired force and obligatory the insurance policy that corresponds. For which, in accordance with the type, brand, model, year, value and other characteristics that were provided by the owner user of the vehicle at the time of registering it, BEEPY will generate automatically and through the platform the according insurance policy taking in account the indicated data, which insurance policy can be from one day until the days that correspond to the agreement reservation, total cost that will be covered in equal parts by the owner and the driver. The quantity to pay for the insurance concept will be charged to the case when the driver user reserves it, through the payment or charging method that was indicated for this effect inside the respective platform property of BEEPY that corresponds according to the selected plan. Therefore, you as a driver from this moment accept and authorize the charge of the quantity that results for the insurance policy according to the provided information inside the reservation, so is your responsibility to provide the exact, up to date and complete information when you indicate the specific insurance data, since they will be parameters along to oher vehicle data to establish the total amount for the insurance policy. Now, for the owner user, the quantity that correspond to pay on insurance concept will be discounted from the rental previous payment that makes BEEPY to the owner user according to this terms and conditions from those celebrated rentals on the BEEPY platform, taking on consideration in every moment the taxes that correspond to the Mexican laws. For this purpose, you as an owner user, from this moment accept and authorize the charge through deduction from the rental total amount charged by BEEPY, which quantity will be the one that results for the insurance policy according to the provided information inside the reservation along to the indicated data about the vehicle, so it is your responsibility to provide the exact, up to date and complete information when you indicate the specific insurance data, so they will be parameters along to the reservation days to establish the total amount of the insurance policy.  Both the owner user and the driver user are the only responsible for the accuracy and perfection of the information provided to the generation of the policy, given that under this and exclusive information is protected and responds to the effect it is hired. BEEPY is not responsible for the information, data or details that you do not indicate and therefore, will suffer a loss as result of the incorrect information that you yourself have provided. Both the owner user and the driver user accept and authorize the force hiring of the vehicle insurance that is established on the app and/or the web page, for which is taken as a state acceptance the services of the vehicle insurance and therefore, in this act you authorize to make the corresponding charges according to your hiring plan that for this effect you indicated on the same web platform, property of BEEPY. Is the obligation of both the owner user and the driver user to keep up to date in every moment their data and conditions, specifications and other information about the vehicle, as well as those conditions out of the ordinary that the driver user uses, according to the vehicle he/she offers or aims to drive. Keep into account that the insurance policy will imply through the use of third insurance services suppliers, previously authorized by BEEPY. To this effect, BEEPY is not an insurance policies company, because its acts are exclusively limited as intermediary for the expedition of the respective policy, which must be used on the conditions and terms the owner and driver users have indicated on the reservation and the vehicle registration. In such a way, BEEPY is not responsible for those damages or defaults caused under the protection of the insurance policy hired to it. Both the driver user and the owner user, in case of sinister, must follow the rules, conditions and protocols that establish the hiring of the respective insurance policy and that was acquired for that effect. This warning will be, besides the indicated by the insurance policy, through the notification made under the terms and conditions established by the BEEPY part. Consequently, when accepting both the owner user and the driver user the Terms and Conditions, they commit to fulfill and be legally forced to the dispositions that govern the statements, clauses and exclusions of the contract, assuming themselves as a BEEPY services user. The acceptance for the case of the insurance vehicle will be taken as if it had been signed in writing the current contract, what constitutes a legal agreement binding between you and BEEPY.

COMPENSATION AND SANCTIONS POLITICSWhen registering and being part of the digital platform as authorized users, they commit to pay BEEPY the planned quantities from the corresponding sanctions according to what is established on the compensation policies under the planned circumstances on the current Agreement.

LEGAL NOTICESThe current agreement constitutes a legally binding contract between you and BEEPY and the access and use of the digital platform govern including any sub domain, as well as any other website through which puts at your disposition the named services, jointly, the digital platform, whether it is for mobile, tablet or other smart devices apps, holding on and forcing to the current terms and conditions facing BEEPY SHARE S.A.P.I. DE C.V.When subscribing to the current agreement, that acts as the technological and inmediacy service contract in attendance to the terms, conditions and politics established on the current agreement that recognize and subscribe the contract and assume the obligations and jurisdiction established on this agreement. When accepting the terms and conditions the user is accepting and assuming the payment obligations, sanctions, compensations, deposits and others predicted on the current terms and conditions. When accepting the terms and conditions the user accepts and assumes that BEEPY is who will charge, pay and fix all the forms and mechanisms to the delivery of the rental that for any reason were not hired under the current agreement and the digital intermediation platform, so everyone and all payment processing services through or related to the Platform use will be provided by BEEPY, which are attached to the terms and conditions according to the payment policy (payment policy and platform). BEEPY is forced to protect the privacy and security of its personal information. The shared information helps us to offer a better service and the way of interacting with other users to fulfill the objective to rent and offer a vehicle rental. Therefore, it commits to protect all the personal information we gather and to guarantee the personal information is handled properly around the world. BEEPY puts at your disposal the current Privacy Policy where describes the way we gather, use, treat and divulge your information, including your personal data and your data access to the Platform and Payment Services that were or will be registered for what we request to read carefully our privacy policy (Privacy Policy). 

ABOUT TAX OBLIGATIONSIt is important to point out that the owner user through the current agreement of the terms and conditions will be conducting rental contracts that represent and carry tax obligations due to the corresponding incomes, whereby BEEPY invites you to convey your corresponding tax obligations, so: It is the owner user obligation to provide inside his/her information from the Federal Taxpayer Registry, for the effect of fulfilling the tax obligations that correspond to the respective year, according to the percentages that the Secretary of Finance fix and for which authorize expressly to BEEPY to realize the withholdings that correspond to to current tax obligations.  In case the driver user DO NOT provides us his/her RFC he/she will submit to the rules and tax obligations established by the Secretary of Finance in accordance to the percentages and amounts of their current tax obligations, authorizing to this effect to BEEPY to make the retentions according to the corresponding amounts, without it being a BEEPY obligation to previous notice or anticipation of collection or withholding the respective taxes. 



The rights of Intellectual Property and exploitation rights and reproduction of the platform BEEPY SHARE S.A.P.I. DE C.V., its pages, screens and the information it has, its appearance and its design, as well as the links established from it and other web pages of any society of the previously mentioned are exclusively property of it, unless otherwise specified. Any improper use of it by a different person from its legitimate owner must be pursued according to the current law. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce, broadcast, modify or suppress the information, content or warnings of this web without the previous written authorization of its titular.